Journalbeiträge und VHB-gelistete Proceedingbeiträge
Witt, M.; Scheiner, C. W..; Robra-Bissantz, S.: Gamification of Online Idea Competitions: Insights from an Explorative Case. In Heiß, H.-U.; Pepper, P.; Schlingloff, B.-H.; Schneider, J. (Eds.): Informatik schafft Communities; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik 2011 Proceedings, Volume P-192. Bonn 2011.
Gerhard, D., Engel, S., Scheiner, C. W., Voigt, K.-I.: The Application of Lean Principles and its Effects in Technology Development, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 57, 2012, No. 1-3, pp. 92-109.
Scheiner, C. W., Witt, M.; Voigt, K.-I.; Robra-Bissantz, S.: Einsatz von Spielmechaniken in Ideenwettbewerben: Einsatzmotive, Wirkungen und Herausforderungen, MKWI-Tagungsband 2012.
Witt, M., Scheiner, C. W., Robra-Bissantz, S. and Voigt, K.-I.: Creative Process Engagement in a Multiplayer Online Ideation Game, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) Proceedings, Vol. P-208, 2012, pp. 978-991.
Scheiner, C. W. & Witt, M.: The Backbone of Gamification – Theoretical Consideration of Play and Game Mechanics. In Heiß, H.-U. and Pepper, P.; Schlingloff, H. and Schneider, J. (eds.), Informatik schafft Communities, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (220), 2013, 2372-2386.
Scheiner, C. W., Witt, M.; Krämer, K., & Renken, U.: Zur Rolle von Serious Games in Verlernprozessen politischer Bildung. In Horbach M. (ed.), Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (220), 2013, 2387-2401.
Haas, P., Scheiner, C. W., Witt, M., Baccarella, C., & Leicht, N.: Der Einfluss von Gamification auf die empfundene Selbstwirksamkeit von Teilnehmern von Online-Ideengenerierungswettbewerben über die Zeit. In Horbach M. (ed.), Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (220), 2013, 2321-2335.
Scheiner, C. W.: The Role of Recognition Intelligence for Opportunity Recognition of Habitual Entrepreneurs, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 12(1), 60-71.
Scheiner, C. W.: The Importance of Social Media as Source of Information in the Technology Identification in Dependence of External and Internal Factors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8531, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Social Computing and Social Media, Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction, 103-112.
Baccarella, C.; Scheiner, C. W.; Trefzger; T.; Voigt, K.-I.: High-tech Marketing Communication in the Automotive Industry: A Content Analysis of Print Advertisements. International Journal of Business Environment, 6(4), 395-410.
Scheiner, C. W.; Baccarella, C.; Bessant, J.; Voigt, K.-I.: Thinking Patterns and Gut Feeling in Technology Identification and Evaluation. Technology Forecasting & Social Change, [im Erscheinen].
Scheiner. C. W.: Online Ideation Games as Means to Change. Big Data – Komplexität meistern; Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (232), 2014; 309-320.
Scheiner, C. W. The Motivational Fabric of Gamified Idea Competitions –the Evaluation of Game Mechanics from a Longitudinal Perspective. Creativity and Innovation Management – Special Issue on “The Gamificiation of Innovation” 24 (2), 341–352.
Baccarella, C. V.; Scheiner, C. W.; Trefzger; T. Voigt, K.-I.: Communicating high-tech products – A comparison between print advertisements of automotive premium and standard brands. International Journal of Technology Marketing,
Scheiner, C.; Baccarella, C.; Trefzger; T.; Voigt, K.-I.: Differences in the Emotional and Rational Appeal of Premium and Standard Brands in the Promotion of Automobiles. Proceedings of the 44th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 26.05.-29.05. 2015, Leuven.
Breiner, F., Scheiner, C.W., Goranova, M., Voigt K.-I.: How Cannibalistic Are Brick-and-Mortar Stores: A Study of the Internet Company mymuesli. Proceedings of the 44th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 26.05.-29.05. 2015, Leuven.
Scheiner, C. W., Feller, N., Baccarella, C. V., Bessant, J. & Voigt, K.-I.: Organizational and Individual Unlearning in Identification and Evaluation of Technologies. International Journal of Innovation Management [zur Veröffentlichung angenommen].
Scheiner, C. W., Feller, N., Baccarella, C. V., Bessant, J. & Voigt, K.-I.: Organizational and Individual Unlearning in Identification and Evaluation of Technologies. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2016, 20 (29), 1650017-1-1650017-27.
Buliga, O., Scheiner, C. W. & Voigt, K.-I.: Business Model Innovation and Organizational Resilience: Towards an Integrated Conceptual Framework. Journal of Business Economics, 2016, 86 (6), 647-670.
Trefzger, T., Baccarella, C. V., Scheiner, C. W. & Voigt, K.-I.: Hold the Line! The Challenge of Being a Premium Brand in the Social Media Era. Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Social Computing and Social Media, Human Behavior, 2016, 9742, 461-472.
Scheiner, C.W., Krämer, K. & Baccarella, C. V.: Cruel Intentions? - The Role of Moral Awareness, Moral Disengagement, and Regulatory Focus in the Unethical Use of Social Media by Entrepreneurs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Social Computing and Social Media, Human Behavior, 2016, 9742, 437-448.
Scheiner C. W. & Hüper, N.: For Those about to Rock – Social Media Practice from Wacken Open Air. Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Social Computing and Social Media, Human Behavior, 2017, 10282, pp. 362-378.
Scheiner, C. W., Baccarella, C. V., Bessant, J. & Voigt, K.-I.: Participation Motives, Moral Disengagement, and Unethical Behavior in Idea Competitions. International Journal of Innovation Management, 22 (06), pp. 18500431-24, 2018 .
Beckmann, M., Scheiner, C. W., & Zeyen, A. Moral Disengagement in Big Data Usage. Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Social Computing and Social Media, Human Behavior, 10913, pp. 417–430, 2018.
Scheiner, C. W.: Gamification in Change-Prozessen. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO). 2019, 50 (3), pp. 337-340, 2019.
Scheiner, C. W. (2020): The Role of Moral Receptors and Moral Disengagement in the Conduct of Unethical Behavior on Social Media. Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Social Computing and Social Media, Human Behavior.
Baccarella, C., Wagner F., Scheiner, C. W., Meier, L., & Voigt, K.-I.: Investigating Consumer Acceptance of Autonomous Technologies: The Case of Self-driving automobiles. European Journal of Innovation Management, 24 (4), 2021, pp. 1210-1232.
Scheiner, C. W.; Mertens, P.; Voigt, K.-I.: Von der Verbundforschung zum Spin-off, in: abayfor (Hrsg.): Zukunft im Brennpunkt; Wissenschaftler aus den Forschungsverbünden - ihre Visionen, Prognosen, Trends, München 2006, S. 78-82.
Voigt, K.-I.; Blaschke, M.; Scheiner, C. W.: Einsatz und Nutzen von Innovationsschutzmaßnahmen im Kontext von Produktpiraterie, in: Specht, D. (Hrsg.): Produkt- und Prozessinnovationen in Wertschöpfungsketten; Tagungsband der Herbsttagung 2007 der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Produktionswirtschaft im VHB, Wiesbaden 2008, S. 85-106.
Scheiner, C. W.: Fundamental Determinants of Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Springer, Wiesbaden, 2009.
Möslein, K. M., Trinczek, R., Böhler, D., Eichler, L., Hallerstede, S. H., Krämer, K., et al.: Working Knowledge – Arbeit gestalten in der Innovationsgesellschaft. Erlangen: FAU University Press, 2013.
Scheiner, C.; Baccarella, C.; Hohnadl, S.; Voigt, K.-I.: Embedded Systems in the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg, in Chobanov, G. and Plöhn, J. (eds.): Crisis and Sustainability: Responses from Different Positions, Peter Lang Verlag, 2013.
Krämer, K.: What’s mine, is yours? Exploring the diffusion of co-creation expertise in organizations, 2015, [im Erscheinen].
Rapp, M., Krämer, K., Roth, A. and Schmitz-Dräger, C.: Kollaborative Gestaltung innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte: Wie Bombardier mit dem Wissen der Masse urbane Herausforderungen löst, in: Proff, H. (eds.). Entscheidungen beim Übergang in die Elektromobilität-Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte. Springer Gabler, Duisburg, 2015, S. 645-657.
Baccarella, C., Scheiner, C. W., & Diehlmann, F.: The Devil on the Entrepreneur's Shoulder: Analyzing the Relationship between Moral Disengagement, Founders' Motives, and Unethical Behavior of Entrepreneurs on Social Media, In: Schjoedt L., Brännback M., Carsrud A. (eds) Understanding Social Media and Entrepreneurship. Exploring Diversity in Entrepreneurship. Springer, Cham.
Scheiner, C.: Sensemaking als Schlüssel zur Zukunftsfähigkeit, in Ostermann, N.-C., Willers, C., Wohlfahrt, M., Krauss, D., Rickert, A., & Schwiezer, H. (eds.). Zukunftsrepublik, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2021, S. 114-117.
Voigt, K.-I.; Glaß, J.; Scheiner, C. W.: Vorentwicklung: Ergebnisse einer Benchmarking-Studie und Ableitung von Handlungskonsequenzen, 7. TIM Fachtagung, 28.10.2005, Erfurt.
Voigt, K.-I.; Brem, A.; Scheiner, C. W.: Erfolg und Scheitern von Spin-offs - Wesentliche Elemente erfolgreicher Gründungen aus dem Universtitätsumfeld; 9. interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zur Gründungsforschung, 10.11.2005, Jena.
Voigt, K.-I.; Mertens, P.; Scheiner, C. W.: Erfolgssituationen und Förderung von "Spin-offs" aus bayerischen Universitäten und Forschungsverbünden, abayfor - Mitgliederversammlung 14.02.2006, München.
Voigt, K.-I.; Brem, A.; Scheiner, C. W.: Entrepreneurship Education and the “Study Cooperation”- Approach – Results from a Quantitative Empirical Analysis; Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training – Innovative Formats for Entrepreneurship Education Teaching - Proceedings, Sao Paulo 2006.
Voigt, K.-I.; Brem, A.; Scheiner, C. W.: Pioneer vs. Follower: The Time-to-Market Dilemma - Results from an Empirical Study; 30th Product Development and Management Association Conference, 2006 Research Forum: Creativing and Appropriating Value in Innovation Management - Proceedings, 21. Oktober 2006, Atlanta.
Voigt, K.-I.; Brem, A.; Scheiner, C. W., Schwing, M.: Serial-Entrepreneurs in the Business Foundation Process - Insights from a Case-driven Explorative Study; Strategic Management Society Special Conference Proceedings: New Frontiers in Entrepreneurship: Strategy Governance and Evolution; 23.-25.05.2007, Catania.
Voigt, K.-I.; Brem, A.; Scheiner, C. W.: Business Idea Identification and Evaluation - Experiment Management in Practice; International Conference on Management Innovation Proceedings; Shanghai 2007, S. 586-590.
Brem, A.; Chlosta, S; Laspita, S.; Scheiner, C. W.; Klandt, H.; Voigt, K.-I.: Gender-Related Differences of Founding Intentions due to the Perceptions of Fostering and Inhibiting Factors; European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship 52nd World Conference Proceedings: At the Crossroads of East and West: New Opportunities for Entrepreneurship and Small Business; 13.-15.06.2007, Turku.
Voigt, K.-I.; Brem, A.; Gerhard, D.; Scheiner, C. W.: How Do Strategy,Resources and Processes Influence the Product Development Success? Results from an Empirical Study; The R&D Management Conference 2007 Proceedings: Risk and Uncertainty in R&D management; 04.-06.07.2007, Bremen.
Voigt, K.-I; Blaschke, M.; Scheiner, C. W.: Einsatz und Nutzen von Innovationsschutzmaßnahmen gegen Produktpiraterie; Herbsttagung 2007 der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Produktionswirtschaft, 22.09.2007, Hamburg.
Voigt, K.-I; Blaschke, M.; Scheiner, C. W.: Einsatz und Nutzen von Innovationsschutzmaßnahmen gegen Produktpiraterie; Herbsttagung 2007 der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Produktionswirtschaft, 22.09.2007, Hamburg.
Voigt, K.-I.; Braunwarth, P.; Scheiner, C. W.: The Importance of Risk Management in the Financing Stages in Entrepreneurial Firms; Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 05.03.2008, Regensburg.
Voigt, K.-I; Bald, A.-K.; John, S.; Scheiner, C.W.: Market entry strategies of Chinese car manufacturers in Europe - esp. Germany, International Conference on Competition and Partnership Proceedings: Key Issues of economic relations between China and EU, 12.-13.04.2008, Peking.
Voigt, K.-I.; Gerhard, D.; Scheiner, C. W.: From Technology Management to Product Development - Insights from the German Automotive Industry, 17th International Conference on Management of Technology Proceedings, 06.-10.04.2008, Dubai.
Voigt, K.-I.; Blaschke, M.; Scheiner, C. W.: Effectiveness of Piracy and Counterfeiting Protective Measures, 17th International Conference on Management of Technology Proceedings, 06.-10.04.2008, Dubai.
Scheiner, C. W.; Laspita, S.; Brem, A.; Voigt, K.-I., Klandt, H.: Gender-related Differences In Motivation, Goals And Performance Evaluation, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Proceedings, 05.-07.06.2008, Chapel Hill.
Laspita, S.; Scheiner, C. W.; Brem, A.; Voigt, K.-I., Klandt, H.: Gender-related Differences in the Founding Intention, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Proceedings, 05.-07.06.2008, Chapel Hill.
Scheiner, C. W.; Voigt, K.-I.: Foundation and Development Support for Business Start-ups and Small Enterprises in Germany, 53rd International Council for Small Business World Conference Proceedings, 21.06.2008, Halifax.
Voigt, K.-I.; Czaja, L.; Scheiner, C. W.: Lean Production within the German Capital Goods Industry - An Empirical Analysis, 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, 05.-08.08.2008, Tokyo.
Scheiner, C. W.; Sarmiento, T.; Richling, T.; Wassmus, A.; Voigt, K.-I.: A Multinational Comparison of Founding-Intention Factors - a Comparison of Germany, Argentina, United Kingdom and Latvia, ICSB World Conference 2009, 23.06.2009, Seoul.
Scheiner, C. W.; Laspita, S.; Brem, A.; Schwing, M.; Voigt, K.-I.; Klandt, H.: Business Idea Identification of Serial Entrepreneurs and the Role of Team Founding for Serial Venture Creation - Insights from a Cases-driven Explorative Study, ICSB World Conference 2009 Proceedings, 23.06.2009, Seoul.
Gerhard, D.; Scheiner, C. W.; Engel, S.; Voigt, K.-I.: Lean Technology Development in German Firms and Research Facilities, Academy of Management Conference 2009, 07.-11.08.2009, Chicago.
Sarmiento, T.; Scheiner, C. W.; VEND consulting – A Case Study in Graduate Entrepreneurship Daft Punkt or Kraft Werk ?, 03.-06.11.2009, Liverpool.
Scheiner, C. W.; Voigt, K.-I.; Breiner, F.; Müller, D.; Kasprowiak, J.; Oehlmann, R.; Walton, J.: Denkmuster von Mehrfachgründern in der Ideenidentifikation und -bewertung, G-Forum 2001, 21.10.2010, Köln.
Seitz, U.; Scheiner, C. W.; Baccarella, C; Voigt, K.-I.: Die Kommunikation disruptiver Innovationen – ein phasenspezifischer Ansatz, 10th International Marketing Trends Conference, 2011, 22.01.2011, Paris.
Ixmeier, J.; Scheiner, C. W.; Voigt, K.-I.: Absorptive Capacity as a Prerequisite for Open Innovation, Proceedings International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), 10.-14.04.2011, Miami Beach.
Seebe, I.; Scheiner, C. W.; Voigt, K.-I.: Coaching Liberal Professionals in the Startup Phase - What Influences its Effectiveness? 56th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference Proceedings, 16.06.2011, Stockholm.
Scheiner, C.; Baccarella, C.; Hohnadl, S.; Voigt, K.-I.: Embedded Systems in the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg - A Cluster Development Analysis, 14th International Conference, Social Values and Competitiveness in the EU, 07.10.-08.10.2011, Sofia.
Witt, M.; Scheiner, C. W.; Skornia, R.; Robra-Bissantz, S.; Voigt, K.-I.: Wie Spielen komplexe Innovationsvorhaben unterstützt - Eine Fallstudienanalyse. In: Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Konferenz "Innovation und Wettbewerb" 2011. Sofia.
Mürling, S.; Voigt, K.-I.; Baccarella, C; Scheiner, C.: Besonderheiten in der Vermarktung von Industriegütern mit Fokus auf das Buying-Center-Konzept; Proceedings 11th International Marketing Trends Conference, 19.01.-21.01.2012, Venedig.
Scheiner, C. W., Voigt, K.-I.: Thinking Patterns and Gut Feeling of Habitual Entrepreneurs in the Opportunity Identification and Evaluation, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 06.06.-09.06.2012, Fort Worth.
Scheiner, C; Witt, M.: The Longitudinal Impact of Game Mechanics on Motivation in the Fuzzy Front End: Insights from an Idea Competition, 12th EURAM conference. The European Academy of Management (EURAM), 06.06.-08.06.2012, Rotterdam.
Scheiner, C. W., Baccarella, C., Bessant, J. & Voigt, K.-I.: Thinking Patterns and Intuition in the Technology Identification and Evaluation, Proceedings International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference (ISPIM), 17.-20.06.2012, Barcelona.
Witt, M., Scheiner, C.W., Robra-Bissantz, S., & Voigt, K.-I.: Creative Process Engagement in a Multi-Player Online Ideation Game, 10th Open Innovation and User Innovation Workshop - Harvard Business School, 30.07.-01.08.2012, Boston, USA.
Scheiner, C. W., Witt, M., Voigt, K.-I., & Robra-Bissantz, S.: Is Gamification the New Solution for Idea Competitions? Longitudinal Insights into the Perception of Game Mechanics towards Motivation, 10th Open Innovation and User Innovation Workshop - Harvard Business School, 30.07.-01.08.2012, Boston, USA.
Krämer, K.: Co-creation as they like it - Opening up the organizational curtain to innovation co-creation. British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), Doctoral Colloquium. Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2013.
Krämer, K.: Co-creation methods: Rationales for their selection, implementation and evaluation from a firm’s perspective. 11. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2013), Doctoral Consortium. Leipzig, Germany, 2013.
Scheiner C. W., Mähler, B., Baccarella, C., & Voigt, K.-I.: Technologienkommunikation in Printmedien – eine Inhaltsanalyse der Werbemedien eines Deutschen Sportwagenherstellers/ Technology Communication in Print Advertisments – a Content Analysis of Print Advertisments of a German Sport Car Manufacturer, 12th International Marketing Trends Conference, 19.01.2013, Paris.
Scheiner, C. W., Haas, P., Leicht, N., & Voigt, K.-I.: Accessing Knowledge with a Game - a Meta-analysis of Prediction Markets, 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application – IEEE Computer Sience, Barcelona.
Krämer, K., Roth, A., Möslein, K. M.: Exploring the diffusion of co-creation expertise in organizations. Proceedings of the 21st International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC). Limerick, Ireland, 2014.
Krämer, K., Roth, A., Möslein, K. M.: A Case about the diffusion of co-creation expertise in organizations. Proceedings of the XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference. Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
Scheiner, C. W., Eder, A., Goranova, M., & Voigt, K.I.: The Use and Evaluation of Social Media by New Enterprises in Germany – an Empirical Analysis, 13th International Marketing Trends Conference, 24.01.-25.01.2014, Venedig.
Feller, N., Scheiner, C. W.,Voigt, K.-I.: The Influence of Environmental Turbulence on Organizational Routines in the Technology Identification and Evaluation; 23rd International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT); 22.05.-26.05.2014; Washington D.C.
Scheiner, C. W.: The Importance of Social Media as Source of Information in the Technology Identification in Dependence of External and Internal Factors, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 25.06.2014 Heraklion.
Scheiner, C. W., Krämer, K., Möslein, K., & Voigt, K.-I.: Inducing Change with an Online Ideation Game, 12th User and Open Innovation Workshop - Harvard Business School, 28.07.-30.07.2014, Boston, USA.
Buliga, O., Scheiner, C. W., & Voigt, K.-I.: Linking Regulatory Focus with Business Model Innovation – How Individual Motivation Impacts Organizational Innovation Behavior, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz der Erich-Gutenberg-Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V., 11.-12-09.2014, Nürnberg.
Buliga, O., Scheiner, C. W., & Voigt, K.-I.: Business Model Innovation and Resilience - towards an Integrated Framework, ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum, 05.-08.10.2014, Montreal.
Rau, C., Krämer, K., Bermayr, B.: Critical capabilities to profit from customer co-creation in organizations. Proceedings of the XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference. Budapest, Hungary, 2015.
Scheiner, C. W.; Baccarella, C. V.; Krämer, K.; Voigt, K.-I.: Moral Disengagement in Idea Competitions – The Dark Side of Participation. 13th Open and User Innovation Society Meeting, 13.7.-15.7.2015, Lisboa.
Trefzger, T.; Kleinöder, O.; Baccarella, C; Scheiner, C.; Voigt, K.-I.: Entwicklung und Gestaltung der Werbekommunikation im Automobilmarkt: Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Werbeanzeigen von Mercedes-Benz. Proceedings of the 14th International Marketing Trends Conference, 22.01.-24.01.2015, Paris.
Voigt, K.-I.; Mertens, P.; Brem, A.; Scheiner, C. W.: Erfolg und Scheitern von Spin-Offs - wesentliche Elemente erfolgreicher Gründungen aus dem Universitätsumfeld, Arbeitspapier Nr. 11, Lehrstuhl für Industriebetriebslehre, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 2005.
Scheiner, C. W. & Stecher, F.: Automatisierung im digitalen Marketing - Geschäftsmodelltransformation als Chance für Agenturen, White Paper, Think with Google, 2018.

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